19 April, 2011

A Memory

I was looking at old pictures from last May to find ones that looked good for my May banner and I came across this one.  This picture brings back a memory of that day for me.

In Alexa's playschool they have a "Unbirthday Party" at the end of the year that celebrates everyones birthday.  They get to decorate a cupcake and then they each get a candle to put on top.  Then the teacher will shut off the lights so the kids can see their candle all a glow before we sing Happy Birthday. 

Now that day the teacher had warned the kids before hand not to blow out their candles until the end of the song because they would not be lit again.  And she also warned the parent helpers not to relight them, if it should happen.

Well, as luck would have it, all the kids listened that day, except for two.  Alexa and another little kid.  The other little kid blew out his candle as soon as the lights went out.  I was just saying to Alexa, "now make sure that you don't blow your candle out yet" and as I was saying this, she was looking at this little boy.  The next thing she does is blow out her candle and in a split second she realizes what she has done.  I could see it all over her face.  It was like she knew better but got caught up in the excitement of it all.  She was so heart broken and not in the usual "I'll throw a tantrum" kind of way but the tragic "I just lost a pet" sort of way.

I had the lighter sitting right beside me.  What was I to do.  I felt so bad for her as the tears were running down her face and I wanted to make everything better because I really felt like she hadn't done it on purpose.  But I couldn't.  I had to sit across from her and tell her how sorry I was but I couldn't fix it, as her little eyes looked up at me to make it all better.  Oh, it was horrible and it makes me emotional just thinking about it. 

I wonder how many times as a parent that I'll have to go through similar situations like this, where I can't make everything better and alright.  I know this sort of thing comes with the territory of being a parent but it sure does pull at your heartstrings.

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