13 April, 2011

Look What I Made...

I took two $2 candlesticks and two $2 jars from the dollarstore.

Spray painted the lids and the candlesticks with a brushed bronzed paint.

Glued the jars with Gorilla Glue to the candlesticks.
And made some pretty cool looking candy dishes!

I've been seeing versions of these on a few different blogs and they looked pretty easy to make so I thought I would give it a try.  I've even seen people use old pickle jars for the containers.  I've never spray painted anything before and I've never used Gorilla Glue but I think I may become addicted to spray painting and gluing things together.

The things I learned from this project are:

- wear gloves when you spray paint (duh!)
- believe the glue container when it says it triples in size as it drys and to only use a small amount (I got nervous and added more than I needed and I had to pick off the extra this morning because it was all goopy)
- for $8 (not including the glue or paint) I have some custom candy dishes!  Sweet!
- I think these could make some really nice gifts.  Imagine them filled with bath stuff or filling it with stickers/erasers, etc. and giving it for a teacher's gift.

Oh boy, I have lots of ideas running through my head now!
What ideas can you think of?

1 comment:

  1. You've done it again!!! Crafty Krista!! I really like them. I'll be expecting mine for x-mas!! LOL!
    They are super nice and would look great on my mantel!


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